Demo Features of Garden of Aiden

Solo-developing "Garden of Aiden" has been a meticulous journey of learning, experimentation, and refinement. Through this post, I aim to delineate the various features that make this 2D Metroidvania game a distinct endeavor. Each feature is accompanied by a gameplay video to offer a real-time experience of the mechanics discussed.

Force Physics Jumping

Inspired by the fluid force mechanics in Celeste, I aimed to replicate a similar smooth and responsive jumping experience in my game. Through the implementation of Coyote Time, Gravity Cut, Hump Hang, and Gravity Multipliers, the player enjoys a level of control that makes navigation feel intuitive and engaging

NPC Dialogue

Though still in its nascent stage, the dialogue system in "Garden of Aiden" is built to accommodate complex interactions as the game evolves. It currently allows for dialogue trees and player options, setting a solid foundation for more intricate narrative integrations in future updates. The video below demonstrates a basic dialogue interaction within the game.

Climb and Slide

Smooth navigation is key in a Metroidvania game. By utilizing lerping alongside acceleration and deceleration algorithms, the climb and slide mechanics were honed to feel smooth and responsive, enhancing the overall exploratory experience. The video below illustrates these mechanics in action.

Interactable Environment

A sense of interaction with the environment immerses players further into the game world. In "Garden of Aiden", players can destroy vines, bushes, stones, and even break walls to unveil new areas, adding a layer of depth to the exploration. The video below showcases some of these interactable environmental features.

Dash State

Taking a page from Youtube Game Dev Bardent's approach to dash state, the dash mechanic in "Garden of Aiden" is designed to reduce player frustration. Unlike the instant dash in Celeste, our dash mechanic slows down time, providing players with a moment to select their desired direction. The video below highlights the dash mechanic in action.

Crouch Move

Though a basic feature, the crouch move is essential for exploration. Coupled with the parallax effect, it provides a compelling illusion of depth, enriching the game’s visual appeal. The video below demonstrates the crouch move and the visual depth it adds to the gameplay.

Damage State

The combat in "Garden of Aiden" is designed to be visually appealing and clear to the player. Through the use of shaders and glow effects, each strike against enemies is made notable. The video below offers a glimpse into a combat scene, emphasizing the visual effects integrated into the combat mechanics.

Heal State

Inspired by Hollow Knight's healing mechanics, the healing state in "Garden of Aiden" is intertwined with exploration, allowing players to heal while traversing the enchanting world. The video below showcases the healing mechanic in action.

This journey has been replete with learning. AI has been incredible in helping coding a lot of these features, providing insights and solutions throughout the development process. Delving into shaders, materials, and feedback mechanics not only enhanced the game's aesthetics but also refined the gameplay experience. My understanding of forces, physics, and programming has exponentially grown, shaping "Garden of Aiden" into a game that feels good to play.

Through "Garden of Aiden", I have not only created a game but honed a skill set that I am eager to carry into future projects. I am excited to share this development journey with fellow game developers and future potential employers.


Garden of Aiden: A Glimpse into the World of Neura Eden


Garden of Aiden